Leadership Studies
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I declare Leadership Studies as my minor?
Students who want to change their current major, change catalog requirement year, or add an additional major, concentration, or minor must meet with their current college advisor or the college advisor of the proposed new major/minor. By meeting with an advisor, students ensure the major/minor selection meets career goals as well as abides by University policy. Certain majors require specific minors or limit your minor choices. Some majors require candidacy prior to enrollment in the upper-division courses.
What is EXL 3020 Leadership Studies Practicum?
The Leadership Studies Practicum is best described as “leadership in action!” Students work independently in a leadership role on a community- or campus-based project and complete other course requirements that include an online discussion board and a final self-reflection paper. Contact Dr. Raffo to obtain a POD to register.
What is LEAD 4001 Seminar in Leadership Studies?
This Seminar is the culminating project for the minor that gives students an opportunity to create a personal leadership portfolio that highlights their leadership strengths. It is a one-credit, independent study, course where all work is done online through D2L.
What semesters are the core courses offered?
LEAD 3010 Fall and Spring (online and traditional classes available); offered online in the Summer
LEAD 4001 Fall, Spring, and Summer (all online)
EXL 3020 Fall, Spring, and Summer (all online)
Contact Us
Dr. Deana Raffo, Leadership Studies Coordinator & Advisor
Department of Management
Email: Deana.Raffo@mtsu.edu
Phone: 615-494-8713
Office: BAS N106